Strategic Partnership between Domseeds (consulting branch of Les Domaines Agricoles, Morocco) and Apexagri! Discover

Domseeds (la branche conseil des Domaines Agricoles, Maroc ) et Apexagri annoncent leur partenariat ! Découvrir

APEXAGRI • Agriculture • Performance • Expertise

Our projects

Key areas of intervention:

of agricultural activities

Diagnose farming activities and identify ways of improving them to make them more competitive.

of agri-food chains

Create, organise and sustain synergies with all economic players.

of market investment strategies

Carrying out opportunity studies to inform commercial strategies and facilitate investment decisions.

of regenerative agriculture practices

Define the ambition on Regenerative Agriculture and ensure the transition of practices and their scaling up.

Creating, developing and optimizing agri-food chains

Apexagri delivers targeted, specialist solutions to clients in all chains of the agri-food industry.
Our tailored approach ensures the success of your projects :

  • Advanced agricultural techniques
  • Streamlined cooperation between collaborators
  • Economically viable and competitive projects
  • Adaptability to local contexts

Apexagri is an international consulting firm specialized in the developement of successful & sustainable agri-food chains, born of the alliance between the Maïsadour Cooperative Group and the consulting firm By.O Group.

Responding to the needs of every actor in the agri-food industry

Distributors Distributors Investment Funds Investment Funds Processors Processors National / International Institutions National / International Institutions Producers Producers

Our convictions & ethos

We believe that the challenges of global population growth will only be resolved through the development of successful & sustainable agri-food chains :

  • Build profitable agri-food chains and efficient local economies
  • Adapt practices to climate change
  • Develop partnerships at all stages of agri-food chains and support entrepreneurship

Our clients

We support actors aiming at developing agriculture from both private sector (Agri-food industries, investment funds) and public sector (Government, public-bodies, NGO, foundation).

Our unique assets

Agricultural expertise & consulting method

Our experts’ highly developed skill-set and diverse fields of expertise ensure clients get the innovative and sustainable solutions they need.

Maximum territorial intervention

Our teams are comprised of internationally qualified professionals from the agricultural and consulting sectors. Favoring a hands-on approach, we endeavor to work onsite with clients wherever they are.

Operationality of all our recommendations

We guarantee our clients the operationality of all our recommendations, enabling rapid action and implementation.

Engagement of each function of the company

As specialists in partnership relations, we ensure streamlined communication and cooperation between industry collaborators.

An overview of our team

The Apexagri team is comprised of experienced professionals from the agri-food industry, business consultants specialized in partnership development and international experts who provide on-site consultation as and when required.

All our team members are passionate about the challenges facing the agrictural world and share the same ambition: developing successful and sustainable agri-food chains.

Our multicultural teams work in a range of languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, etc.).

Marc Président Apexagri
AnaïsCEO of Apexagri
Anaïs directrice Apexagri
AdrienExpert in innovation and sustainable agriculture
BandamlakExpert in agricultural technologies
expert apexagri ethiopie
DenisExpert in agronomy in tropical areas
MichelExpert in agronomy and production systems
YoussefExpert in agronomy and plant production
JulietteSenior Consultant
Juliette agronome consultante chez Apexagri
EmilieSenior Consultant
Emilie Consultante Senior Apexagri
MarionExpert in sustainable development
marion loubiere experte apexagri
JosepManaging Consultant
WilfridExpert in animal breeding and nutrition
Lamiaa consultante agriculture Apexagri
EdouardExpert in veterinary
Edouard expert vétérinaire
AudreyManaging Consultant
Audrey consultante agronome
MichelExpert in tropical agriculture
michel villeneuve expert apexagri

Join the Apexagri team of experts Careers


For more information on our projects and services, please contact the APEXAGRI information desk:


16, rue Washington
75008 Paris - FRANCE


61, quai de Paludate
33800 Bordeaux - FRANCE


Oasis Square
Route de l'Oasis
20410 Casablanca - MAROC